what does it mean to hate someones guts



5. hat·ed, lid·ing, hates

v. tr.

i. To feel strong dislike for or hostility toward: rivals who hate each other.

2. To feel dislike or distaste for: hates washing dishes; hates to get upward early.

three. To be disinclined (to do something) out of politeness or a demand to repent: I hate to interrupt, but can I ask you a quick question?


Intense antagonism or dislike; hatred.


hate on (someone) Slang

To ridicule, insult, or act hatefully toward: Stop hating on them—they're my friends.

[Heart English haten, from Old English hatian. N., Middle English, from Erstwhile English hete.]

hat′er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




ane. to dislike (something) intensely; hate

two. (intr) to exist unwilling (to be or exercise something)


iii. intense dislike

four. informal a person or thing that is hated (esp in the phrase pet hate)

5. (modifier) expressing or arousing feelings of hatred: hate mail.

[Old English language hatian; related to Old Norse hata, Old Saxon hatōn, Quondam Loftier German hazzēn]

ˈhateable, ˈhatable adj

Collins English Dictionary – Consummate and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. hat•ed, hat•ing,
north. five.t.

ane. to dislike intensely or passionately; experience extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest.

2. to exist unwilling; dislike: I detest to accept it.


iii. to experience hatred.


4. intense dislike; extreme disfavor or hostility.

5. the object of extreme disfavor or hostility.

[before 900; Center English hat(i) en, Former English hatian (v.), c. Old Saxon haton, Old High German hazzōn, Old Norse hata, Gothic hatan]

lid′er, north.

syn: hate, abhor, detest imply feeling intense dislike or aversion toward something. hate, the simple and general word, suggests passionate dislike and a feeling of enmity: to detest autocracy. abhor expresses a deep-rooted horror and a sense of repugnance or complete rejection: to abhor cruelty. detest implies intense, even vehement, dislike and antipathy, besides a sense of disdain: to hate a combination of ignorance and arrogance.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 past Random Business firm, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: hated
Gerund: hating
I hate
you lot detest
he/she/information technology hates
we hate
you hate
they hate
I hated
you hated
he/she/it hated
nosotros hated
you hated
they hated
Present Continuous
I am hating
you are antisocial
he/she/it is hating
nosotros are antisocial
yous are hating
they are hating
Nowadays Perfect
I take hated
yous have hated
he/she/it has hated
we have hated
you have hated
they accept hated
Past Continuous
I was antisocial
you lot were hating
he/she/information technology was antisocial
we were hating
yous were antisocial
they were hating
By Perfect
I had hated
you had hated
he/she/it had hated
we had hated
you had hated
they had hated
I will hate
you lot volition hate
he/she/it will detest
we volition detest
you will detest
they will hate
Hereafter Perfect
I will have hated
you lot will have hated
he/she/it will have hated
we will have hated
you will have hated
they volition have hated
Hereafter Continuous
I will be hating
you will exist hating
he/she/information technology volition be hating
we will be hating
y'all will exist antisocial
they volition exist antisocial
Nowadays Perfect Continuous
I take been hating
you have been hating
he/she/it has been antisocial
we have been hating
yous have been hating
they take been antisocial
Future Perfect Continuous
I will accept been hating
you will have been hating
he/she/it will take been hating
we will have been hating
you will have been hating
they will have been hating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been hating
you had been antisocial
he/she/it had been hating
we had been hating
you had been hating
they had been antisocial
I would hate
yous would hate
he/she/information technology would hate
we would hate
you lot would hate
they would detest
Past Conditional
I would have hated
yous would have hated
he/she/it would have hated
we would take hated
you would have hated
they would take hated

Collins English language Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Fable:

Noun 1. hate - the emotion of intense dislike detest - the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands activeness

misoneism - hatred of change or innovation

murderousness - a bloodthirsty hatred arousing murderous impulses

ill will, enmity, hostility - the feeling of a hostile person; "he could no longer contain his hostility"

beloved - a stiff positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"

Verb i. hate - dislike intensely; feel contempt or aversion towards; "I hate Mexican nutrient"; "She detests politicians"

contemn, despise, disdain, scorn - look down on with disdain; "He despises the people he has to work for"; "The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately"

dislike - have or feel a dislike or distaste for; "I really dislike this salesman"

dear - have a great affection or liking for; "I dearest French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"

Based on WordNet iii.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



i. hate, loathe, despise, dislike, be sick of, abominate, be hostile to, recoil from, be repelled past, have an aversion to, abominate, H8 (S.M.S.), not be able to bear, execrate Nigh people hate him, but I don't.
hate like, love, wish, fancy, treasure, esteem, cherish, be fond of, dote on

3. be unwilling, regret, be reluctant, hesitate, be deplorable, be loath, H8 (S.1000.Due south.), feel disinclined I hate to admit it, but you were right.


ane. dislike, hostility, hatred, loathing, antagonism, aversion, antagonism, contempt, enmity, abomination, animus, abhorrence, odium, detestation, H8 (S.M.South.), execration eyes that held a look of hate
dislike liking, love, affection, goodwill, devotion, fondness, amity

pet hate bugbear, bane of your life, pet disfavor, thorn in your side My pet hate is aggressive drivers.

"Men love in haste, merely they detest at leisure" [Lord Byron Don Juan]
"If you detest a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't function of ourselves doesn't disturb us" [Hermann Hesse Demian]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Consummate and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



To regard with extreme dislike and hostility:


1. Extreme hostility and dislike:

abhorrence, anathema, antipathy, disfavor, detestation, hatred, horror, loathing, repellence, repellency, repugnance, repugnancy, repulsion, revulsion.

2. An object of farthermost dislike:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


شَيءٌ مَكْروه كَراهِيَه، كُرْه كره يَكْرَهيَكْرَهُ

nenávidět nenávist strašák nenáviděná věc

hade disfavor had


घृणा करना


hata hatur vera meinilla viî



neapykanta nekęsti nepakenčiamas dalykas nepakęsti pasibjaurėtinas

ienīst naids neciest nepatikas objekts


nenávidená vec nenávidieť





Collins Castilian Dictionary - Complete and Entire 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(in apologies)
I hate to trouble you, simply → Désolé de vous déranger, mais ...
I hate to tell you this, but → Ça one thousand'embête beaucoup d'avoir à vous dire ça, mais ...
I hate to acknowledge it, but you were right → Je suis obligé d'admettre que vous aviez raison.

nhaine f hate campaign ncampagne f de dénigrementhate crime northcrime thou de haine criminal offence motivé par la haine raciale, xénophobe, religieuse ou homophobe

Collins English language/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vthassen; (= detest as well)verabscheuen, nicht ausstehen können; (= dislike also)nicht leiden können; to hate the audio of somethingetw nicht hören können; to hate to exercise something or doing somethinges hassen, etw zu tun; (weaker) → etw äußerst ungern tun; I hate being tardilyich hasse es, zu spät zu kommen, ich komme äußerst ungern zu spät; I hate seeing or to see her in painich kann es nicht ertragen, sie leiden zu sehen; I hate the idea of leavingder Gedanke, wegzumüssen, ist mir äußerst zuwider; I hate it when people accuse me of lyingich kann es nicht ausstehen, wenn man mich als Lügner bezeichnet; I detest to bother/rush youes ist mir sehr unangenehm, dass ich Sie belästigen/zur Eile drängen muss; I hate to say/admit it but …es fällt mir sehr schwer, das sagen/zugeben zu müssen, aber …; I detestd myself for writing that alphabetic characterich konnte es mir nicht verzeihen, dass ich diesen Cursory geschrieben hatte; she hatedue south me having any funsie kann es nicht haben, wenn ich Spaß habe; you'll hate me for this simply …du wirst es mir vielleicht übel nehmen, aber …; don't detest me for telling y'all the truthnimm es mir nicht übel or sei mir nicht böse, dass ich dir die Wahrheit sage; I should hate to proceed you waitingich möchte Sie auf keinen Autumn warten lassen; I'd detest to think I'd never see him once moreich könnte den Gedanken, ihn nie wiederzusehen, nicht ertragen


(= hatred)Hass m (→ for, of auf +acc)

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Entire 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(heit) verb

to dislike very much. I hate them for their cruelty to my father; I hate getting up in the morning time. haat, 'n afkeer hê يَكْرَه мразя odiar nenávidět hassen hade μισώ odiar, detestar, aborrecer vihkama نفرت داشتن از vihata détester לִשנוֹא घृणा करना, नापसंद करना mrziti gyűlöl membenci hata odiare 憎む 증오하다 ne(pa)kęsti ienīst; neciest membenci haten hate, avsky nienawidzieć, nie znosić كركه كول ، بد راتلل odiar a urî, a detesta ненавидеть nenávidieť sovražiti mrzeti hata, avsky เกลียด nefret etmek 厭惡, 憎恨 ненавидіти نفرت کرنا ghét 憎恨,讨厌


1. groovy dislike. a look of hate. haat, afkeer كَراهِيَه، كُرْه омраза ódio nenávist der Haß had μίσος odio, hincha viha نفرت viha haine שנאה नापसंद mržnja gyűlölet kebencian hatur odio 憎しみ 강한 혐오 neapykanta naids kebencian haat chapeau, avsky nienawiść كركه ، نفرت ódio ură ненависть nenávisť sovraštvo mržnja hat, avsky ความเกลียด nefret 厭惡,憎恨 ненависть سخت ناپسندیدگی sự căm thù 憎恨,厌恶

2. something disliked. Getting up in the morning is 1 of my pet (= item) hates. 'due north broertjie dood hê aan, iets nie kan verdra nie شَيءٌ مَكْروه предмет на омраза aversão nenáviděná věc, strašák etwas Verhaßtes aversion αντιπάθεια cosa que uno más detesta, pesadilla vastik asi بيزاري epämiellyttävä asia bête noire, cauchemar שנאה नापसंद nešto što posebno mrzim gyűlöletének a tárgya tidak disukai vera meinilla við avversione 嫌いなこと 증오의 대상 nepakenčiamas dalykas nepatikas objekts perkara yang dibenci ergernis, kwelling det å ha uvilje mot znienawidzona rzecz/osoba كركه كول aversão ненавистное занятие nenávidená vec osovražena stvar nešto što se nerado čini hatobjekt ความไม่พอใจ nefret edilen kimse/şey 厭惡或憎恨的事物 нехіть ناپسندیدہ شے người hoặc vật bị ghét 憎恨的事物

ˈhateful adjective

very bad; very unpleasant. That was a hateful thing to do to her; What a mean person! haatlik كَريه، سَيِّء омразен odioso odporný haßenswert hadefuld μισητός odioso, insufferable vastik تنفرآميز kamala odieux נורא घृणित, घृणास्पद mrzak, omražen utálatos buruk, sangat membencikan andstyggilegur odioso 憎むべき 불쾌한 šlykštus, pasibjaurėtinas pretīgs; naidpilns; ļauns terkutuk hatelijk vemmelig, ekkel, motbydelig nienawistny, nienawidzony هغه چه كركه ځنى كيږى ، منغور مكروه odioso odios ненавистный odporný odvraten mrzak förhatlig, avskyvärd ซึ่งมีเจตนาร้าย nefret uyandıran 可恨的 ненависний نفرت انگیز đáng ghét 可恨的

ˈhatefully adverb

haatdraend بِكراهِيَه омразно odiosamente odporně haßenswert, haßerfüllt hadefuldt με μίσος con odio/aversión vastikult بطور تنفرآميز vastenmielisesti odieusement בְּשִנאָה घृणा के साथ mrsko, omraženo utálatosan secara buruk andstyggilega odiosamente いまいましく 불쾌하게 su neapykanta, šlykščiai pretīgi; ļauni dgn cara yg terkutuk hatelijk vemmelig, vederstyggelig, ekkelt nienawistnie د منغوره توګه odiosamente odios ненавистно odporne odvratno mrsko förhatligt, avskyvärt อย่างเต็มไปด้วยความเกลียด nefretle 可恨地 огидно نفرت انگیزی سے đáng căm hờn; đáng ghét 可恨地

ˈhatefulness noun

haatlikheid كراهِيَه، مَقْت، بُغْض омраза caráter odioso nenávist, zášť die Verhaßtheit hadefuldhed αντιπαθητικότητα, μίσος odiosidad, carácter odioso/insufferable vastikus زشتی vastenmielisyys caractère odieux שנאה घृणास्पदता mrskost, omraženost utálatosság keburukan andstyggilegheit, kvikindisháttur odiosità 憎らしさ 불쾌함 šlykštumas pretīgums kebencian hatelijkheid avskyelighet, motbydelighet nienawiść زشتی،بدی carácter odioso caracter odios ненавистность nenávisť odvratnost mrskost förhatlighet ความเต็มไปด้วยความเกลียด nefret etme 可恨 огидність نفرت انگیزی sự căm ghét 憎恨,可憎

hatred (ˈheitrid) noun

neat dislike. There was a look of hatred in his eyes; I have a deep-seated hatred of liars. haat كُرْه شَديد ненавист ódio nenávist der Haß had μίσος odio viha تنفر viha haine שנאה घृणा mržnja gyűlölet kebencian hatur odio 憎しみ 증오 neapykanta naids kebencian hekel, haat hat, avsky nienawiść كركه ، تنفر ódio ură ненависть nenávisť sovraštvo mržnja hat, avsky ความเกลียดชัง nefret 厭惡,憎恨 ненависть نفرت lòng căm ghét; lòng căm thù 憎恨,憎恶,怨恨

Kernerman English Multilingual Lexicon © 2006-2013 Thou Dictionaries Ltd.


يَكْرَهُ nenávidět hade hassen μισώ odiar vihata détester mrziti odiare 憎む 미워하다 hekel hebben aan hate nienawidzić odiar ненавидеть hata เกลียด nefret etmek ghét 憎恨

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


, hatred

n. odio, aversión;

5. odiar, repudiar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • I hate ... → أَنا أَكْرَهُ … → Nesnáším ... → Jeg hader ... → Ich hasse ... → Σιχαίνομαι ... → Detesto… → Inhoan ... → Je déteste ... → Mrzim ... → Detesto ... → 私は・・・が大嫌いです → 나는 ...을 싫어해요 → Ik heb een hekel aan ... → Jeg kan ikke fordra ... → Nie znoszę ... → Eu odeio ... → Я не люблю … → Jag hatar ... → ฉันเกลียด…. ... den nefret ederim → Tôi ghét ... → 我特别不喜欢...

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

English-Castilian/Spanish-English Medical Lexicon Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/hate+on+(someone)

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